Last week I wrote about Split Squats and how awesome they are, today I want to talk about another one of my favorite single leg exercises, the Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift (SL StrLDL) or Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (SL RDL). This is another staple in my programs because of its diversity. […]
Reviving The Push-Up
I love the push-up. It is a versatile exercise that can be utilized in many ways, when it is done correctly. The push-up, however can easily be done wrong and can have adverse effects, especially on shoulder health. Push-ups aren’t meant to be easy, in fact a perfect push-ups is hard and can be a […]
Split Squats… It’s a love-hate kind of thing.
Split squats… I love to program them, my athletes hate them, specifically the RFE (rear foot elevated) split squat. At first glance they think it’s going to be cake, but after the first set of one leg they begin to respect this invaluable single leg strength exercise. In fact, most of them start to dread […]
Ladies Man Up and Lift… Please!: Part 1
As a female strength and conditioning coach I cringe every time I go into a commercial gym, for many reasons. But for the purpose of this article it is because there are so many women working their butts off and they have no idea they are doing it all wrong. I apologize if I […]