Arm soreness plagues far too many young athletes throughout the season and I would like to provide some information on how to prevent and address arm soreness. Any information provided here does not substitute for a comprehensive assessment performed by a qualified professional such as a doctor, physical therapist, or athletic trainer. Photo Credit Throwing […]
Deadbugs: A DYS Favorite
There are several staple exercises at Design Yourself Strong (DYS) and Deadbugs are absolutely on that list. Deadbugs are in some way or another in every one of my athletes or clients programs. It may not look like much but when done correctly Deadbugs are challenging and an extremely effective core exercise. They are very […]
The Design Yourself Strong Difference
Upon opening my studio many people have asked me what makes my training facility different than the commercial gyms and other fitness studios in the area. And most of the time I reply with “well me, of course!” To which I get in return a blank stare or a fake chuckle because most people […]
B12: Boost or Bust!
Photo Credit As an always on the go society who wouldn’t want a simple way to get more energy? The recent fad of B12 injections for an energy boost suggests just that. Advocates for this fad claim one simple injection per month could increase energy levels, decrease fatigue, improve mood, and even aid in weight […]
Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift… long name amazing results!
Last week I wrote about Split Squats and how awesome they are, today I want to talk about another one of my favorite single leg exercises, the Single Leg Straight Leg Deadlift (SL StrLDL) or Single Leg Romanian Deadlift (SL RDL). This is another staple in my programs because of its diversity. […]